Monday, February 8, 2010

Marijuana Stages How Do Medical Marijuana Facilities Get Their Products?

How Do Medical Marijuana Facilities Get Their Products? - marijuana stages

I'm just curious to know where and how the legal framework of medical marijuana plants get their products?

Of course this is completely anonymous, no details will be published the names and everything, just the protocol.

Since the law says it is illegal to grow or cultivate marijuana will come from which sources? Also, because the patients in different stages of their conditions, assume that the product is certified purity without any toxins, chemicals must be clean. "Preserving the farms in California, allows to grow marijuana for medical purposes and is there any kind of" growth tax "to the state in any way? Products are entitled to offer from other states? Interesting to see how the system works but there are gray areas of legal certainty transaction.


bobby f said...

Plants grown in the house and is commonly known as marijuana strain hydropower, known in short for hydroponics, as it has grown inside with nutrient solutions for growing plants instead of soil. This variety of marijuana is very potent, with a very high THC content. Facilities are licensed to do this are rare, and each plant is tested before leaving the facility. I hope this helps you ..

VINI Vidi Vici - Drank, saw, hit said...

You will receive a license for hemp to be used by the government, produce, etc.

Strictly controlled

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